Friday, 12 November 2010

Post 08 - 10 Minute Talk & Vimeo clip

I have just completed the my Task One, which was the 10 Minute talk. I think it went well, but I was aware that some of it was scripted (due to the quantity of information I found) As I didn't want it to go over, I was reading at an 'efficient rate' 

Despite this, I feel that there was plenty of relevant information, good examples and fulfilled the brief. 

Also, I have just found this animation, which has a very interesting character in it entitled 'no shi da'. It is very stylish and caught my eye. This may be one of the areas of inspiration I use for my task three as it looks like it could be sculpted using digital clay.

Character Vimeo link -

Monday, 8 November 2010

Post 07 - ISSUU Task Two

Here is a link to a brief web publication I have made for Task two. It is a brief summary of the research and Work I have done for the first 7-8 weeks, which applies to task one and task two.


Here is also the latest developments of the figure I have been working on using the retopology technique.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Post 06 - Presentation & Retopology

Since the session last Thursday, I have been practicing a technique shown to me by our session tutor for creating a low poly mesh in 3Ds Max from a Mudbox human figure model. This process is very interesting as it allows for a high poly figure or model to be created, then a low poly copy of it can be produced by using various tools from the Graphite and Freedom drop down tool bar. I have so far completed the head, as can be seen in this image.

The process of retopology is one which I will look into with more detail in my research report, which is task two and should feed nicely into my task three. Task three at this stage will be to create a game ready, or highly detailed games ready character. This may be sculpted in Mudbox, then recreated in 3Ds Max to lower the poly count. This will then be used in conjunction with my 3D Animation module and animated in a variety of ways.

I have also recently completed my task one (ten minute technology presentation) and have used the presentation software, Prezi to do this. I have still yet to run through and practice it for timing so apart from being subject to shortening, it is finished. This is due next week.

Prezi Presentation -