Thursday, 2 December 2010

Post 09 - ZBrush Research

I have begun to research the digital sculpting software ZBrush, made by Pixologic. The sources for this research are mentioned in another one of my blogs and can be accessed by using this link.

However, these links can also be found below with a brief overview of them.

This website is great as it is updated regularly and is hosted by the creators of ZBrush. It includes interviews, case studies, examples of work as well and tutorials and hints and tips. I am currently going through the video tutorials.

A great online and printed magazine, which also features interviews (currently following the work of Cedric Seaut), case studies and tutorials. This website also provides free models, something which I am taking advantage of in my 3D Animation module)

This is a large magazine, which has been published exclusively on ZBrush. This includes a DVD which has over 20 tutorials on it, with over 10 hours of videos. This was published in November and will b of great help.

This website has been very useful and also contains many video tutorials for ZBrush. It covers similar ground to that of the Pixologic website, but as they are different tutorials, its always good to see how other people navigate and use the software. 
At this stage, there seems to be a a lot of research into the modelling, sculpting sector, with relevance to games as this is what I am interested in. Animation is also an interest of mine, so some more research should be done in this area also.

I wish to soon look into a couple of case studies.


3D Total website:
3D World - ZBrush Essential 'bookazine':

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