Friday, 28 January 2011

Post 14 - Project Stage Three - Five

I should point out in this post to avoid confusion that I am saving out my progress and calling it 'Stage', followed by which number I am on. This is so that I can log my progress, plus if I make a mistake, or want to revert back to an earlier version, I can do so. 

The last blog was on stage three. I am now on stage five. Since stage five, the following has been added to the figure. After having a discussion with Shane Mitchell (module tutor), ha gave me some constructive criticism regarding some of the parts of the anatomy. Some included lifting and straightening the collar bone, adding more detail in the back, altering the back of the thigh and calve, as well as filling out the neck and reducing the definition of the shoulder muscles. These have now been dealt with and improved on.
In addition, I have also managed to create a set of eyes and appended them as a sub tool. I made a sphere mesh, which I then made into a ploy-mesh 3D, allowing me to edit and alter it. I added a very slight alpha 'ring' layer to simulate the iris, then duplicated it and used the edit - move tool to position the second eye in the correct place. The nose and the lips have also been improved on and I've managed to close the mouth. This was achieved by masking off the lips that I wanted to keep still, then used the move ztool to move the unmasked area. This process was then repeated the the other lip, until it made for a convincing effect.

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